Handel Henri: The Self Made Property Investor Who Was Able To Become His Own Boss
Real estate investing is more sought after now than ever. It is no longer an industry that only wealthy businessmen can enter, the everyday person can get their foot in the door as well. Hanel Henri, aka “Del Henri”, is a Miami, Florida native who has taken advantage of the lucrative real estate investing business and started his own real estate . Handel is a firm believer in real estate investing and wants to promote it to his audience. Becoming a real estate investor is no easy task, it requires a lot of time and hard work. For anyone who has ever had a landlord, you know how often you have to put in a call for any issue around the house. Now if you are on the other side of the phone and you are a landlord, you are the one constantly dealing with anything that goes wrong at one of your properties. It could be a broken door knob, leaky gas pipe, or a flickering light but you will still be receiving a call about it and you will have to deal with it, and the more tenants you have means the more issues to deal with.
Telling someone what it is like to be a landlord would not excite them and may even make the entire job seem like too much to handle. Handel is not a person to shy away from a difficult situation, he credits most of his success to his hard work and dedication. His philosophy is that hard work can take you as far as you want to go and in his own words, “The moment you give up, is the moment you fail”. Handel is a firm believer that even if the odds are stacked against you, you should not give up because there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Even after years of experience Handel still believes that his biggest obstacle is all the clients which he has to handle on a daily basis. All of this goes to show that even after many years of working within the business, it is still very difficult to manage investment properties and handle financial planning.
Even after all the success that Handel has created for himself, he sees much more potential for the future of H&H Investments. He plans to take full advantage of the opportunities that the market has to offer and he is working to adjust his company so that they can generate more profits as efficiently as possible. He is a firm believer that real estate will never die which is why he invests everything he has into the market. He advises anyone who wants to get into the industry to always network and not to be afraid to go out and meet people who could potentially help you or your business grow. Handel puts all of his effort into making sure that all of his clients receive the best service possible, he wants everyone involved to be satisfied. Unfortunately, there are no secrets that Handel has for anyone who wants to get their feet wet in the real estate investment business, he just advises everyone to keep working hard because it will always work out in the end.