Dr. Saji Salam Creates Passive Income For Physicians and Investors
Over the past year, investment portfolios across the country have deteriorated as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. This was especially true for doctors dealing with patients who couldn’t leave their homes for the most of the year. The goal of CareventuresCapital is to help physicians invest in passive income. Saji Salam, a physician, founded the business out of Houston and supports high-net-worth individuals in the profession in creating passive income through real estate and new startup investment alternatives.
Passive Income
The CareventuresCapital business strategy is based on passive income, which requires little to no work to generate and sustain. The group helps doctors by co-investing in apartment sales, in which investors split the equity.
These passive investing opportunities are available in North America through class B and C apartments. Rental income and any economic operations in which the earner does not participate meaningfully are examples of CareventuresCapital’s passive income.
“We want to help other physicians create income by making their money work for them,” Dr. Salam says. “Because the work of the business can be exhausting, many people in the profession opt out of researching new sources of income, even if they have the capacity to do so. That is something we want to change.”
Dr. Saji Salam
Dr. Saji Salam, the company’s founder, uses his management consulting and engagement management talents to augment the team’s operational and transaction management knowledge. By using physicians’ significant skills and network, CareventuresCapital creates a passive revenue stream for them. Dr. Saji Salam has been managing and consulting enterprise-wide project implementation projects with Fortune 500 customers for over twenty years, having worked for five major consulting firms including Deloitte and Accenture.
As a full-time real estate investor since 2017, Dr. Salam invests in single-family and multifamily assets in the United States and abroad, with an ownership stake in over 1800 doors and assets valued at over $70 million dollars under management as an owner-operator.
“The formula that we have here when it comes to investing works,” Dr. Salam says. “We need healthcare professionals to spend a little time getting educated on investing and mitigating risks in the process; for which we conduct several educational programs that cover topics ranging from Tax to Legal aspects of investments. Once they do that, physician investors can be confident about investing their money to obtain decent returns.”
The Takeaway for Physicians
Streams of passive income can supplement your current salary and allow you to pursue your passions. In addition to their apartment investments, CareventuresCapital provides opportunities for physicians who are comfortable with a more active investment approach to participate in the early phases of funding businesses.
“For those physicians who are comfortable with more of an investing risk, we do have the startup options available,” Dr. Salam says. “With the potential for the risk, also comes a big chance for reward and that’s what we want to see at the end of the day no matter where investments are being made. As long as physicians are winning and seeing their investments return profit, we’re doing our job.”
Physicians must be able to sustain themselves and one other as the medical industry evolves. CareventuresCapital gives physicians the opportunity to do this with their investments and Dr. Salam’s leadership. Though they are still growing, they are confident in the company’s future.
“We don’t expect everything to happen at once,” Dr. Salam says. “They key to our success is going to be making it clear to customers that we provide a lot of benefits
For more information on CareventuresCapital,visit https://www.careventurescapital.com