The Transformative Power of Self Love: Minister Yahdan Yada’s Healing Empire
Minister Yahdan Yada, an international businessman and Founder of The World’s Greatest Rejuvenation, remembers one of the lowest points of his childhood. “I was walking home one day, surrounded by the beauty of nature,” he recalls. “Truly, it was glorious, but I could not see it. All I could think about was how lonely I was and how much I hated myself and my life. I felt, quite honestly, like the biggest failure, and I would live with that self-image for far too many years.”
Minister Yada was fatherless, and throughout his childhood, he suffered from abuse and neglect. “A child knows nothing except what the adult in their life tells them,” he says. “I constantly heard that I was nothing and that I would never amount to anything. It became part of my psychology, and I hated myself.”
Convinced that he had no potential for success, Minister Yada spent much of his life feeling defeated. He believes that many people can relate. “Too many of us understand how destructive these thoughts are. You are telling yourself you can accomplish nothing, so, of course, you don’t try. Instead, you try to survive instead of thriving as you could.”
This psychological battle translated into tremendous anxiety. “The body is not meant to undergo such constant stress,” Minister Yada believes. “The result for me was that my liver began to shut down, a clear sign that something in my life had to change.”
He faced a choice: he could continue to go on as he was, or he could take charge of his life by exploring his health and his mindset. He decided to detox and do a complete 360, allowing him to develop a sense of self-love.
“It was, perhaps paradoxically, the best thing that could have happened to me,” Minister Yada thinks. “It forced me to ask a crucial question: what could my life be like if I gave myself the love I had never had? I wasn’t sure, but I did know one thing: self-hatred was not the way. Self-love had to lead somewhere better.”
He shares that as he changed his mindset, he saw remarkable changes in his life. “I had the confidence to go after my professional dreams, and I finally loved myself enough to leave a toxic relationship. I eventually meant my incredible wife, who is my partner in everything.”
Minister Yada’s newfound self-love was not the end of his journey. He also considered his physical health, paying attention to everything he put into his body. He explains, “I studied different diets and decided that the use of herbs along with a raw vegan diet is the healthiest way to eat. The science backs this up, as it’s been proven that living this way can boost your immune system.”
Minister Yada detoxed his body and saw his health be dramatically improved. “I was convinced I had found the answer, and I traveled the world to learn more about herbs. Choosing carefully what I put into my body was a positive form of self-love.”
His experiences served as proof that your life can improve dramatically if you focus on your health, both physically and mentally. He developed a plan to share the healing remedies he had found with his family, friends and people all over the world through his company The World’s Greatest Rejuvenation.
“We all, I think, need to focus more on love of self, love of family, and love of community, which will have the added benefit of optimizing our health,” Minister Yada says. “With this, we can accomplish anything.”
As Minister Yada’s two companies continue to grow, he is working to help increase the living standards in Senegal. “The hardships here are shocking,” he says. “75% of families suffer from chronic poverty, which must be changed. Everyone deserves to have financial stability and to be able to provide for themselves and their children. That’s why I pay each employee 100 francs every week even though the average across the country is 100-200 frances each month.”
Minister Yada plans to expand Yadalo Group SA to multiple countries in Africa and eventually employ thousands of employees and utilize a fleet of hundreds of trucks, which may even become self-automated. “I aim to improve the economy one job at a time,” he says. “More people will be lifted out of poverty. Imagine what they will be able to do then!”
His plan for The World’s Greatest Rejuvenation, he says, is to have the top luxury wellness resort in Ecuador. “I have already purchased the land, and the designs for the resort will include gorgeous architecture. I also see us becoming the largest distributor of wellness products to major retailers worldwide.”
The World’s Greatest Rejuvenation is a work continually in progress. Minister Yada takes the same approach when it comes to his own self-improvement. He explains, “I am here now because I understand the science of recreating myself. I am constantly in the pursuit of recreating who I am, rewriting my script, and forcing myself outside of my comfort zone. I constantly envision where I need to go. I am where I am today because I obsess over my growth daily. I hope to use my life to help others experience the same transformation.”