How To Enjoy Your Life After The Fed Ruins The World
Enjoy your life, no matter the economic situation. If you do, then you’ll always be winning. The key is to recognize reality and take appropriate...
When To Play The Status Game Again: Money, Fame, And Impact
Since 2012, I have tried hard to stop playing the status game. After all, leaving my job in banking meant losing status at age 34...
What Income Level Is Considered Rich?
So you’re wondering what income level is considered rich. After all, if everybody makes $1,000,000 a year, are you considered rich if you make only...
How I’d Invest $250,000 In Today’s Bear Market
Let’s say you’ve currently got about $250,000 in cash. With the global financial recession building, opportunities are piling up. However, things could get worse in...
How To Buy Treasury Bonds And Buying Strategies To Consider
With U.S. treasury bond yields zooming higher, the interest in buying treasury bonds has followed suit. Let me show you how to buy treasury bonds...
Personal Lessons Learned Since The 2008 – 2009 Global Financial Crisis
With the Federal Reserve determined to hike rates to 4.5%, another global financial crisis might be brewing. The Board Of Governors are all very rich,...
Achieving Financial Independence On A Modest Income: $40,000 In Manhattan
There are some people who think that achieving financial independence before 65 is only for people with high incomes. I strongly disagree. You can still...
Conduct A Regret Minimization Exercise To Help You Move Forward
One of the main reasons why I wrote Buy This, Not That was to help readers feel less regret by making wiser choices. Regret is...
Downgrade Your Property Statistics Online To Lower Your Property Taxes
During the global financial crisis in 2008 – 2009, I expected the San Francisco Property Assessor Office to automatically lower my property tax bill. After...