It’s OK To Sell Stocks Once You’ve Made Enough To Buy What You Want
Everybody should have some investments in stocks. Although stocks provide zero utility, some stocks provide dividend income and all stocks have the potential for capital...
Reasons To Strive For Financial Independence: That FI Feeling
I first wrote this post about financial independence in 2012, soon after I had left my day job in the finance industry. It was a...
How To Calculate The Value Of A College Degree
Let's say you've just graduated college and have a negative net worth due to student debt. Don't fret. You actually have a higher net worth...
The Joy Of Low Expectations: When Nobody Believes In You
After every tennis match I lost in high school, my father would console me by saying, “You just weren't good enough.” Those words stung each...
The Paradoxes Of Wealth: Many Misaligned Beliefs About Money
The 2023 Charles Schwab Modern Wealth Survey highlights the paradoxes of wealth in America. Over 1,000 individuals of all different backgrounds filled out the survey....
Explaining The “Life Goes On” Home-Buying Cycle
Why the heck are home prices not going down more with mortgage rates so high? In many parts of the country, home prices are actually...
Entitlement Mentality Is A Sneaky Wealth Destroyer
After a 3-year COVID pause, student loan interest will resume starting on Sept. 1, 2023, and payments will be due starting in October,” according to the...
Having Absurd Dreams Are OK Because Sometimes They Come True
In one of my recent newsletters, I supposedly wrote something absurd. It didn't occur to me I was being absurd until a reader called me...
Blind Spots For Fathers Who Think They Are Doing A Great Job
One of the fun things about giving up on retirement is preparing for upcoming job interviews. I probably gave over 300 interviews myself when I...