Achieving Financial Independence On A Modest Income: $40,000 In Manhattan
There are some people who think that achieving financial independence before 65 is only for people with high incomes. I strongly disagree. You can still...
Conduct A Regret Minimization Exercise To Help You Move Forward
One of the main reasons why I wrote Buy This, Not That was to help readers feel less regret by making wiser choices. Regret is...
Downgrade Your Property Statistics Online To Lower Your Property Taxes
During the global financial crisis in 2008 – 2009, I expected the San Francisco Property Assessor Office to automatically lower my property tax bill. After...
Why Market Timing Real Estate Is Easier Than Timing Stocks
Market timing is the strategy of making buying or selling decisions of financial assets by attempting to predict future market price movements. By timing the...
The Surprising Benefits Of Early Retirement I Never Anticipated
In a previous article, I highlighted the negatives of early retirement nobody likes talking about. It might have seemed like the negatives of early retirement...
The Negatives Of Early Retirement Life Nobody Likes Talking About
Early retirement sounds great and it is great for the most part. But there are negatives of early retirement life that also needs to be...
The Perfect Time To Upgrade To Your Move-Up Home Is Coming
If you want to upgrade your home, get excited! The perfect time to upgrade to your move-up home is coming. Meanwhile, be patient and build...
How To Be More Creative: Advice From A Writer, Artist, And Pianist
Not only are we born with creativity, but we also have the power to become more creative with effort. The more creative you are the...
Overcoming The Trough Of Sorrow: Defeating An Emptiness Inside
Here in the San Francisco tech startup scene, we have a term called “the trough of sorrow.” The trough of sorrow refers to the sadness...