I Found Out I’m Autistic As An Adult And I’m Glad
April is autism acceptance month and I’m grateful to share a personal and eye-opening post written by my wife Sydney. She found out she is...
Farmland Investing: A Year In Review And New Opportunities Ahead
It’s been a year since I last published about farmland investing. Therefore, I thought it would be good to revisit how farmland investing has done...
Mortgages By Interest Rate: Expect Homeownership Tenure To Increase
One of the logical concerns in this current rising interest rate environment is how will home prices fare as interest rates go up? One way to answer this question is by discussing...
How To Feel Less Guilty About Paying No Federal Income Taxes
For the longest time, I’ve been a proponent of paying federal income taxes. Federal income taxes are used to pay for Social Security (~23% of...
The Fear Of Spoiling Adult Children By Giving Them Money Is Overblown
One of the worries about entering the decumulation phase is that you might start spoiling your adult children. If you end up giving your adult...
Time For Homeowners To Buy Treasury Bonds To Live For Free
If you’re a homeowner looking to live for free, buying Treasury bonds today just might be the key. Once you’ve got your housing expenses under...
The Best Decumulation Age To Start Spending Down Your Fortune
Decumulation is the process of spending down your net worth so you don’t die with too much money. If you die with lots of money...
The Two Levels Of Rich: One Of Which Doesn’t Rely On Index Funds
It’s safe to assume the vast majority of you reading Financial Samurai want to be rich. I trust those of you who’ve been reading this...
The Difference Between A 5/1 ARM And 5/5 ARM And When To Get Either
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a 5/1 ARM and a 5/5 ARM or a 7/1 ARM and a 7/6 ARM and...