Jesus Eddie Campa’s New Book: Unmasking Leadership: What They Don’t Tell You
Jesus Eddie Campa is on a mission to help people turn their career aspirations into reality by providing valuable insight into his many years in law enforcement. Jesus Eddie Campa will be graduating with a Ph.D. in Public Service Leadership in Criminal Justice in 2022 and has written a book titled, Unmasking Leadership: What They Don’t Tell You to help others navigate the world of leadership.
Campa is a specialist in security and leadership. He is the CEO of two companies, AB Strategic Security Group LLC and Leading Through Adversity LLC. He is known internationally as a public speaker and for his unique story of overcoming adversity in a leadership role and for helping others move through their own adversity within leadership. He is a retired law enforcement executive with twenty-seven years of experience, having served as a Chief Deputy, Chief of Police twice, and State Law Enforcement Director.
Because of his extensive knowledge in such a complex leadership role, he understands what it takes to be successful, even against all odds. So, who is this book for? Campa answers, “This book is for other executives trying to traverse the ever-changing corporate world and excel in their career. This isn’t a traditional leadership book. I attempt to explain things that aren’t necessarily taught in leadership development or in college classrooms.”
For instance, the real work culture, where there seems to be collaboration, but then behind closed doors, it’s a totally different story. Leadership can be very lonely, but you have to remember your goals and do what’s right. Jesus Eddie Campa elaborates, “It is okay to piss people off. In the world of leadership, you will undoubtedly upset people. Not everyone is a visionary and therefore sometimes a leader needs to move forward with the plan of action in order to accomplish the mission. Sometimes, the right people for an outdated plan are not the right people for a new plan and must be removed. Remember that the world of leadership is not about being liked, it’s about doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. If you want to be liked then go sell ice cream as everyone loves ice cream.”
Jesus Eddie Campa goes on to outline the significance of the book, “Chapter one is about the different ways leadership can be observed throughout history and how we view those leaders now.” Campa then challenges leaders to analyze the leadership qualities they currently possess and urges leaders to rank themselves. This is especially true in law enforcement. Leadership must always be willing to self-reflect. This brings us to an essential element of leadership that most people are willing to discuss in professional development meetings but rarely take seriously.
We hear it all the time on airplanes in case of an emergency, place your oxygen mask on first before helping others. In Unmasking Leadership: What They Don’t Tell You, Jesus Eddie Campa emphasizes the importance of self-care for leaders. Campa explains, “Most leaders want to devote most of their time to their leadership role as this is where they spend the majority of their time. A leader must be able to love himself before he can love others and move the direction of the organization forward. Self-care for a leader or anyone, in general, is about loving who you are. It is about thoughtfully managing your well-being and happiness. Without self-care, there is no leader. But that may not be enough. Many firms have turned to external executive coaches such as myself to identify and develop personal attributes needed to excel in a leadership role. In the U.S. alone, spending on coaching is estimated to be as much as $1 billion annually.
That’s in part why Campa wrote this book. He explains, “I feel that we live in a time where more than ever that people need to know the true meaning of leadership and the importance of a mentor. People need to understand that to be a great leader, the leader must first be okay and love themselves in order to lead at the level of greatness needed.”
For more information on the book, Unmasking Leadership: What They Don’t Tell You and Leading Through Adversity’s leadership development program, visit: Leading Through Adversity – Jesus Campa, Leading Through Adversity